Kyle Pearson
Kyle Pearson received his undergraduate degree at the University of Arizona in Astronomy and Math, with a minor in Physics. He worked as a telescope operator for Steward Observatory’s 21″ Raymond White Telescope on campus. He is currently involved in Exoplanet research focusing on the characterization of them and using near-UV photometry to detect magnetic fields. He is also involved in analyzing Kepler data with an emphasis on characterizing stellar activity. He has an admiration for programming physics simulations by means of SPH and video games.
Links to some of his code
Exoplanet Data Reduction Pipeline –
Planetary Parameters –
His hobbies include surfing, snowboarding, computer programing and computer gaming.
Constraining the Magnetic Field of HAT-P-16b via Near-UV Photometry, Pearson K., Turner J. 2013, in prep.